Bio Dr. Lab


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Dec. 2022: [과학의 달인] 근육위축, 무감각, 발의 기형, 마비 등을 유발하는 유전 질병 '샤르코-마리-투스' 유전병 치료법 '전자약 기술' 개발 / YTN 사이언스 

2023-01-11 1461

• Mar. 2022: The article was published related to the development of 'Electroceutical for treatment of peripheral neuropathy'

2022-09-06 1068

• Mar. 2022: The article was published related to the development of 'Electroceutical for treatment of peripheral neuropathy'

2022-09-06 1008

• Mar. 2022: The article was published related to the development of 'Electroceutical for treatment of peripheral neuropathy'.

2022-09-06 874

• Jun. 2022: The article was published related to the development of '​Continuous centrifugal microfluidics (CCM) isolates heterogeneous circulating tumor cells via full automation'.

2022-09-06 1021

• Jun. 2022: The article was published related to the development of '​Continuous centrifugal microfluidics (CCM) isolates heterogeneous circulating tumor cells via full automation'.

2022-09-06 596

• Aug. 2022: The article was published related to "Implantable Electroceutical Approach Improves Myelination by Restoring Membrane Integrity in a Mouse Model of Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy'​'

2022-09-06 454

• Aug. 2022: The article was published related to "Implantable Electroceutical Approach Improves Myelination by Restoring Membrane Integrity in a Mouse Model of Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy'​'

2022-09-06 456

• Aug. 2022: The article was published related to "Implantable Electroceutical Approach Improves Myelination by Restoring Membrane Integrity in a Mouse Model of Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy'​'

2022-09-06 409

• Aug. 2022: The article was published related to "Implantable Electroceutical Approach Improves Myelination by Restoring Membrane Integrity in a Mouse Model of Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy'​'

2022-09-05 418

• Jun. 2022:  The article was published related to the development of '​Continuous centrifugal microfluidics (CCM) isolates heterogeneous circulating tumor cells via full automation'. 

2022-08-31 542

• Jun. 2022:  The article was published related to the development of '​Continuous centrifugal microfluidics (CCM) isolates heterogeneous circulating tumor cells via full automation'.

2022-06-06 1281

  • Mar. 2022:  The article was published related to the development of 'Electroceutical for treatment of peripheral neuropathy'. 

2022-03-24 807

• Jan. 2018:  Bio Dr. Lab was introduced in 과학동아.    

2018-05-30 3162

• Feb. 2018:  Bio Dr. Lab got featured in 'Issue Maker' magazine.   

2018-05-30 3466